Thursday, December 20, 2007

The last Assignment for World History

I) Nuclear Wars Human Consequences: You are going to read short excerpts from John Hersey's Hiroshima (see below) to learn more about the effect of nuclear weapons. Hersey focused on six people who were in Hiroshima at 8:15 AM on Aug. 6, 1945 when the U.S. dropped the atomic bomb.
Pages 1-2: The bomb is dropped Pages 24-26: Immediate effects of burns and radiation observed in hospitals
Pages 29, 51, 81-82: Effects of the Bomb Pages 31, 35, 38-9: Thirst and rain Pages 76-78: Longer-term effects of radiation Pages 104-5: The Aftermath -- many years later
a) List five of the effects on land and weather when a nuclear bomb, like the one in Hiroshima, is dropped? 1. Black Rain, which was radioactive Debee that came down for an hour after the bomb was dropped 2. totally flattened buildings 3. destroyed every thing in a 2 mile radius 4. the land was considered useless, because the radiation killed everything even the plants 5. after the bomb all the saw was in prints of people's bodies
b) List five of the effects on human beings when a nuclear bomb, like the one in Hiroshima, is dropped? Exposure to the atomic bomb caused severe burns of the skin and in many cases loss of eyesight. Some of the after affects ranged from:general malaise, fatigue, headaches, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, abnormally low white blood cell count, bloody discharge, anemia, and loss of hair.
c) Write a thoughtful response to the question below. Be sure to provide specific details in your argument: absolutely not, really there is two sides to this argument. The atomic bomb did end WWII, but the devastation from the bomb would have caused any country to throw up the white flag. However, to use an atomic bomb in this day in time, when many country's have them, could very well end the race of man kind
From what you read about the effects of an atomic bomb on people and the land, do you think that countries should have the right to use nuclear weapons in times of war? Why? Why not?
II) Who has nuclear weapons? Go to the website below, and answer the questions that follow.
a) Which countries admit to having nuclear weapons? US, United Kingdom, France, Pakistan, India, China, and Russia
b) Which countries might have nuclear weapons but do not admit it? Libya, Iraq, Iran, and North Korea
c) Why do you think a country would be reluctant to admit that it has nuclear weapons? Because the powers that be will take that nuclear power away, write away and quick!
III) What is Nonproliferation? Go to the website below, and answer the questions that follow. Be sure to click on the multimedia images, and be sure to go to section 5.
a) What are the goals of Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty? To stop the spread of nuclear weapons, to contain the nuclear arsenals that are already in place around the world, and to make sure that existing weapons are managed.
b) By the year 2000, how many states had signed the NPT? 188
c) Why is the treaty important? Because it gives some control over nuclear stock piles, and it makes it less likely that the weapons will be used because it sets up conditions
d) Which countries are areas of concern? Why? Iran, Iraq, North Korea, Russia, China—all of these countries are possible threats to the United States and it’s allies.
e) What did North Korea do in 2003? It never came into compliance with the treaty and pulled out all together in 2003

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

D-Day... thats all I need to say!

We all run to the beaches, with fear in our hearts
And we dont know when, the fighting will start
We just wade through the sea, paranoid as can be
For what lies ahead of us, no one can see

The fight begins, and I'm still in the sea
I must make it to shore, or dead I will be
My buddy ahead, got shot in the head
His body floats by me, and now he is dead

Their is no time to think, you must act on instinct
becuase the predator inside you, has just been released
so go spill the blood, and enjoy your feast
and remeber if not them, then you it would be

I was shooting a man, and then goes BAM!
I stepped on a Mine, under the sand
It blew off my legs and my right hand
If I ive through today, well that would be grand
But I am not that lucky, so goodnight from the sand

The Painful Mustard Gas Line and Whats in side The mind

I am a British soldier, about five foot three
These hateful Nazi’s have just blinded me
with there mustard gas, and there minds diseased
Where am I at, oh Where could I be?

What happens next, only god knows
we wait in line, in the ghettos
i think i might die tonight, but i don't know
while they just slap us around as the wind blows

Will I ever see my parents again, or my wife and kids
or will i die hear and never live again
as the blood rapidly flows out of my eye sockets
my heart rate increases rapidly
I hold the gold locket that my daughter gave to me
because she said she wanted to look after me

I'll kill them, I'll kill them all
Them dirty Nazi thieves
I'll cut there spline right in half
then I'll cut out there knee's
and then for there eyes
I'll do what was done to I
They'll never see again
and if they do don't ask me
there very lucky men!

Unit 6 Descriptive Logs By Nick Wehunt

Alliance System
1. started by Bismarck
2. designed to maintain Germany's hegemony on the European continent
3. Germany defeated France in 18714. Germany was forced to cede two provinces Alsace-Lorraine
5. Bismarck tried to befriend Austria, Russia, Italy and Britain in order to isolate FranceTrench Warfare
1. both opposing armies have static lines of defense
2. first trench warfare was employed by Muhammad against the Quraishi army
3. there were usually main trenches and other smaller trenchs that connected the larger ones
4. occurred during the American Civil War and Russo-Japanese War
5. most of the techniques used in trench warfare were ancient
Total War
1. a military conflict in which nations mobilize all available resources
2. used to destroy another nation's ability to engage in war
3. has been in use for centuries
4. first documented total war was the Peloponnesian War
5. war was fought between Athens and Sparta between 431 and 404 BC
1. controlled distribution of resources
2. goods were usually scarce
3. has long been used in the military to make supplies last longer
4. limiting the purchase or usage of an item
5. allotement of scarce supplies
1. messages amied at influencing the opinions or behavior of large numbers of people
2. basic sense presents imformation in order to influence its audience
3. there are different techniques with advertising and public relations
4. advertising and public propaganda promote commercial products or organizations
5. particular opinion or poing of view
Treaty of Versailles
1. the peace treaty that ended WWI
2. signed exactly 5 years after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
3. signed on November 11, 1918
4. treaty was between the Allied and Associated Powers and Germany
5. Germany accepted full responsibility for causing the war
1. an authoritarian political ideology
2. seek to forge a type of national unity
3. government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator.
4. movement based on or advocating such a system of government
5. dictatorial control
1. imposing a form of government
2. political authority exercises absolute and centralized control
3. opposing political and cultural expression is suppressed
4. practitioner or supporter of such a government
5. dictatorial
Adolf Hitler
1. a German politician
2. became leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazi Party)
3. was appointed Chancellor of Germany in 1933
4. remained in office until his suicide in 1945
5. after the death of President Paul von Hindenburg in 1934, he declared himself the leader
1. used to describe the killing of approximately 6 million European Jews
2. led by Adolf Hitler
3. genocide of European Jews
4. destruction on a mass scale
5. lasted from 1941 to 1945
1. a day on which an operation is to be launched
2. day on which allied forces invaded France during WWI
3. June 6, 1944
4. indicates the beginning of an attack
5. marks military operations on a specific date
Nuremberg Trials
1. series of trials held in Nuremberg, Germany
2. from 1945 to 1949
3. best known trial was Trial of the Major War Criminals
4. series of notable trials for the presecution of prominent members of the Nazi party
5. Allied powers Great Britain, France, the Soviet Union and the United States

Monday, December 3, 2007

War huh? What is it good for!?!

I'll say right off the bat war is never the solution to any problem in life. I think leaders use it to get there way and prove their point to the enemy. Why can't people just talk it out and if that doesn't work, just bring in a mediator. Their isn't a big enough problem in the world that can't be solved by compromising. I think Its our hot headed leaders who just want to get their way and do anything in their power to do so. Why can't we all just be peaceful and love one another like john, bob, and Ghandi did. So I say no, war is never the way. PEACE!

Nick's Unit 5 Descriptive Logs

Heliocentric Theory
1. the sun is the center of the universe
2. Copernicus presented a full mathematical model of the theory
3. became the center of major religious dispute
4. states some or all of the planets revolve around the sun
5. Nicolaus Copernicus was the person who thought of this theory
1. he was a physicist, mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher
2. played a major role in the scientific revolution
3. improved the telescope
4. he supported Copernicus
5. studied accelerated motion
1. 18th century movement in European and American philosophy
2. emphasized the use of reason and experience
3. movement of intellectual liberation
4. had major influence on Bill of Rights and Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
5. influenced socialism and anarchism
Absolute Monarch
1. monarchical form of government
2. has power to rule his or her land or country and its citizens freely
3. has some laws or legally-organized direct opposition in force
4. has power over aristocracy and clergy
5. some have powerless or symbolic parliaments
Louis XIV
1. ruled as King of France and of Navarre
2. acceded the throne in 1643
3. remained on the throne until his death in 1715
4. acceded the throne a few months after his 5th birthday
5. he reign spanned 72 years
French Revolution
1. 1789 - 1799
2. a period of political and social unheaval in political history of France and Europe
3. absolute monarchy underwent many changes based on Enlightenment principles
4. the changes resulted in violent turmoil
5. Napoleonic wars resulted in the revolution
Napoleon Bonaparte
1. a french military and political leader
2. had significant impact on modern European history
3. he was a general during the French Revolution
4. Mediator of the Swiss Confederation
5. Protector of the Confederation of the Rhine
Industrial Revolution
1. period in the late 18th and early 19th centuries
2. agriculture, manufacturing, and transportation had effect on socioeconomic
3. had effect on cultural conditions in Britain as well
4. spread throughout Europe and North America
5. eventually spread throughout the world
Adam Smith
1. a Scottish moral philosopher
2. a pioneering political economist
3. wrote two treatises
4. his work helped create the modern academic discipline of economics
5. one of the best-known intellectual rationales for free trade, capitalism and libertarianism
Karl Marx
1. 19th century philosopher, political economist and revolutionary
2. addressed a wide range of political and social issues
3. famous for his analysis of history
4. believed capitalism will be displaced by communism
5. he was a scholar and a political activist
1. forceful extension of a nation's authority
2. territorial conquest establishing economic and political domination
3. control of one or more countries by a dominant nation
4. policy of systematic domination by one country to another country
5. indicates a degree of dependence in the subordinate
Nationalism1. refers to doctrine or political movement
2. has the right to constitute an independent or autonomous political community
3. usually defined in terms of ethnicity or culture
4. devoting the the interests or culture of one's nation
5. belief that nations will benefit from acting independently

Monday, November 12, 2007

All Shook Up!

The landscape of America was changed drastically by the colonization of the Americas. The reason the landscape changed so dramatically is because the natives used the land differently than Europeans did. When the Spanish and the English came in they started to cut down trees and build establishments. The Natives needed the land and everything that goes with it to live their daily lives and stay alive, so they worshipped it. Then these arrogant white men come in and start to destroy what they love and worship the most. They enslaved the Natives, but when Native population dropped too low to fulfill the Europeans labor needs they turned to Africa for slaves. These rich white men that came out of nowhere came and messed a lot of people's lives up. In all these events that happened the Old World only changed a tad bit; they got new food, slaves, and tobacco. The New World, on the other hand, was as messed up as could be. People got separated from their families, war, violence, rape, racism, and the white man rules everything became the way of life. The landscape and the people were all thrown around too much and taken for granted by the white man!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

May I Explore the world

Dear your Highness
I wish to embark on a most terrifc jounrey my lord. With your permission and supplies, I would like to leave port in the year of 1534 if possible. My name is Mr. Cartier, and I have been a explorer my whole life. I love to find new places and people, and I would also love finding you business, supplies, and new converts to Christianity. I would like for my voyage to take place mainly on the eastcoast of North America. With my findings I will give you all the glory, gold, and all the love God put in my heart to thank you for letting me lead the journey across the ocean. I will be bringing two advanced pieces of technology with me to ensure my journey is successful. First is the compass; it will tell us if we are going in the right direction or not. Secondly I will need you to give me a caravel sail boat to get me from one place to the other. I can not assure anything your highness, but I will do my best, and please trust me if you will. Thank you for your time, and please send back whenever you decide.

From Mr. Cartier

I'm a spaceman

You have to look at the details of this question before you try to answer it. If I was already a astronaut, I think I could build up the courage do it, but if I was some random Joe with a regular job, I wouldn't. I would take it as a very big risk in my life as everyone else would, but I would still see it as a big adventure. In space you would learn about and see different things that no one has ever encountered before. It's a whole new world out there and you are finding it out first hand what it's like. If I didn't accept the job, then all I would be doing is sitting at home watching the news and feeling dumb because I didn't go. Although there is one thing that would probably make me go if I was really scared, the chance of being in the history books. You could discover good and bad things there but the good always levels out with the bad.

Monday, October 8, 2007

good old johann gutenberg vs. the mighty computer

Although Johann Gutenberg's invention was so spectacular and changed the world, his invention has no chance against the computer, nor should it have a chance. I think what he did started everything good intelligence wise anyway. Thank god that the Renaissance did happen, or we would all be dumb as rocks at this point as we were when we started. That's all beside the point of course because we are talking about computers and how they had a bigger impact on society than the printing press. Not only do you have a machine that you can type on and delete a whole paragraph at a time if you needed to you, but you also have a whole world inside this little machine that sits in front of you. I mean there are endless possibilities. For example with the Internet you can play games and communicate with anyone you want to around the world. The computer really had more impact on the spread of knowledge than Gutenberg's invention, but after all with no printing press, there would be no computer.

By: Nick Wehunt

Monday, October 1, 2007

do you Carpe diem

I don't really understand why i wouldn't agree. i mean everyone would want to seize the day or pluck the day right. I mean people don't just wake up in the morning and say today i am not going to succeed in anything at all. I usually wake up and want to have a good and successful day and actually accomplish something. that is of course if i wake up in a bad mood and really don't want to do anything at all.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

jesus loves the Catholics

When we came into the building I wasn't that impressed. It seemed to me like any other church I have ever been in, but when we went entered the sanctuary, I was very impressed. We entered into the sanctuary and there were beautiful stained glass windows everywhere; that's what got me. The Christian symbol seems kind of cruel to me knowing that your saved because a man being nailed to a cross like that. Overall, all of the buildings we went to were pretty to me. The Jewish building and the Catholic building more than the Islamic building though. I didn't learn anything new becuase my parents are Catholic so I pretty much knew everything but the holy water part. Like I said earlier the priest answered my question about the holy water, and I learned it becomes holy by him blessing it.

I love the Jews

When we arrived at the synagogue, Rabbi Gerrson greeted us at the front. When we came in I was in total awe of the building; It was beautiful. The star of David was everywhere, and I personally think that's the coolest symbol of all. Also, when I entered the building I felt automatically welcome. I learned while I was there that you must learn to speak Hebrew to read the original scribes. I though that was very interesting. My personal opinion of the Rabbi, is that he was a gentle souled person, and a loving man. I thought what he told us in his lecture was very informal, and it taught me a lot more stuff about the Jews. I thought when he brought out the Torahs it was very cool looking, and all the fancy gold and silver was eye gazing.

Thats very islamic of you

Nita, Courtney, and I were the first ones to get there. when we go arrived, the prayer leader, hishamahmed, greeted us at the door and invited us in. Before we could go in he asked to take our shoes off, because it was apart of their religious way. I thought he was the coolest holy man i have ever met in my life. He explained to us his religion in a very respectful way, and also shared some laughs with us. To be honest with you, that man was my boy! I thought that the building was pretty small, but beautiful when you got in there. While i was there, i learned how they prayed and witch direction they did so in. He answered one of the questions t.j. and i had been wondering about, The sacred black rock. What i thought was really cool was that we had to take our shoes off to come in. I loved the Islamic center!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Why People Believe

I think religions exist because through all the harsh times in a person's life they need something to look forward to. Religion gives you a choice. You can either go to the worst place possible when you die if you don't believe,or you could go to the best place possible if you do. So if there is someone in a very difficult time in their life they can find hope in this savior helping them through it. When I think of death it's scary because it's unknown what's going to happen next. Then someone comes along and tells me if I believe in this certain being then it will all be okay in the end. Well, that would persuade me to believe him, and to conquer my fear of death. This is why I think religions exist.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

the bizzare world of chinese dragons

The Chinese look to the dragons as protectors and controllers of the habitat . They had different dragons for different purposes in life. If a mortal upset a dragon, then it would be one of the worst floods known to man, and volcanoes would erupt when the fucanglong dragon reported to heaven.

I personally find this very interesting that the Chinese put their beliefs in a mythical creature. I don't think I would have fallen for all of that crap, but every one's entitled to their opinion. I thought it was really cool how there were so many different kinds of dragons, and they all had there own purpose in life.

This tells me they believed strongly in what their religion told them, and they feared dragons for good reason. Maybe the whole dragon theory kept them in line to not mess up or slack off because they feared the dragon so strongly

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

civilized or are we

I think being civilized is having your manners, how you run your government, and also how you treat your people. In other countries they have different opinions on it. Just like they have different opinions about religions, sports, how they dine, and what their heritage has taught them. I also think being uncivilized is being dirty, never brushing your teeth, sleep with the pigs, and just all together don't care about how you live, "you live just to live". I think animals are a good example of not being civilized.