Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Unit 6 Descriptive Logs By Nick Wehunt

Alliance System
1. started by Bismarck
2. designed to maintain Germany's hegemony on the European continent
3. Germany defeated France in 18714. Germany was forced to cede two provinces Alsace-Lorraine
5. Bismarck tried to befriend Austria, Russia, Italy and Britain in order to isolate FranceTrench Warfare
1. both opposing armies have static lines of defense
2. first trench warfare was employed by Muhammad against the Quraishi army
3. there were usually main trenches and other smaller trenchs that connected the larger ones
4. occurred during the American Civil War and Russo-Japanese War
5. most of the techniques used in trench warfare were ancient
Total War
1. a military conflict in which nations mobilize all available resources
2. used to destroy another nation's ability to engage in war
3. has been in use for centuries
4. first documented total war was the Peloponnesian War
5. war was fought between Athens and Sparta between 431 and 404 BC
1. controlled distribution of resources
2. goods were usually scarce
3. has long been used in the military to make supplies last longer
4. limiting the purchase or usage of an item
5. allotement of scarce supplies
1. messages amied at influencing the opinions or behavior of large numbers of people
2. basic sense presents imformation in order to influence its audience
3. there are different techniques with advertising and public relations
4. advertising and public propaganda promote commercial products or organizations
5. particular opinion or poing of view
Treaty of Versailles
1. the peace treaty that ended WWI
2. signed exactly 5 years after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
3. signed on November 11, 1918
4. treaty was between the Allied and Associated Powers and Germany
5. Germany accepted full responsibility for causing the war
1. an authoritarian political ideology
2. seek to forge a type of national unity
3. government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator.
4. movement based on or advocating such a system of government
5. dictatorial control
1. imposing a form of government
2. political authority exercises absolute and centralized control
3. opposing political and cultural expression is suppressed
4. practitioner or supporter of such a government
5. dictatorial
Adolf Hitler
1. a German politician
2. became leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazi Party)
3. was appointed Chancellor of Germany in 1933
4. remained in office until his suicide in 1945
5. after the death of President Paul von Hindenburg in 1934, he declared himself the leader
1. used to describe the killing of approximately 6 million European Jews
2. led by Adolf Hitler
3. genocide of European Jews
4. destruction on a mass scale
5. lasted from 1941 to 1945
1. a day on which an operation is to be launched
2. day on which allied forces invaded France during WWI
3. June 6, 1944
4. indicates the beginning of an attack
5. marks military operations on a specific date
Nuremberg Trials
1. series of trials held in Nuremberg, Germany
2. from 1945 to 1949
3. best known trial was Trial of the Major War Criminals
4. series of notable trials for the presecution of prominent members of the Nazi party
5. Allied powers Great Britain, France, the Soviet Union and the United States

1 comment:

carrie said...

This is not your work. It is Courtney's.

0 points.