Thursday, September 27, 2007

jesus loves the Catholics

When we came into the building I wasn't that impressed. It seemed to me like any other church I have ever been in, but when we went entered the sanctuary, I was very impressed. We entered into the sanctuary and there were beautiful stained glass windows everywhere; that's what got me. The Christian symbol seems kind of cruel to me knowing that your saved because a man being nailed to a cross like that. Overall, all of the buildings we went to were pretty to me. The Jewish building and the Catholic building more than the Islamic building though. I didn't learn anything new becuase my parents are Catholic so I pretty much knew everything but the holy water part. Like I said earlier the priest answered my question about the holy water, and I learned it becomes holy by him blessing it.

I love the Jews

When we arrived at the synagogue, Rabbi Gerrson greeted us at the front. When we came in I was in total awe of the building; It was beautiful. The star of David was everywhere, and I personally think that's the coolest symbol of all. Also, when I entered the building I felt automatically welcome. I learned while I was there that you must learn to speak Hebrew to read the original scribes. I though that was very interesting. My personal opinion of the Rabbi, is that he was a gentle souled person, and a loving man. I thought what he told us in his lecture was very informal, and it taught me a lot more stuff about the Jews. I thought when he brought out the Torahs it was very cool looking, and all the fancy gold and silver was eye gazing.

Thats very islamic of you

Nita, Courtney, and I were the first ones to get there. when we go arrived, the prayer leader, hishamahmed, greeted us at the door and invited us in. Before we could go in he asked to take our shoes off, because it was apart of their religious way. I thought he was the coolest holy man i have ever met in my life. He explained to us his religion in a very respectful way, and also shared some laughs with us. To be honest with you, that man was my boy! I thought that the building was pretty small, but beautiful when you got in there. While i was there, i learned how they prayed and witch direction they did so in. He answered one of the questions t.j. and i had been wondering about, The sacred black rock. What i thought was really cool was that we had to take our shoes off to come in. I loved the Islamic center!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Why People Believe

I think religions exist because through all the harsh times in a person's life they need something to look forward to. Religion gives you a choice. You can either go to the worst place possible when you die if you don't believe,or you could go to the best place possible if you do. So if there is someone in a very difficult time in their life they can find hope in this savior helping them through it. When I think of death it's scary because it's unknown what's going to happen next. Then someone comes along and tells me if I believe in this certain being then it will all be okay in the end. Well, that would persuade me to believe him, and to conquer my fear of death. This is why I think religions exist.