And we dont know when, the fighting will start
We just wade through the sea, paranoid as can be
For what lies ahead of us, no one can see
The fight begins, and I'm still in the sea
I must make it to shore, or dead I will be
My buddy ahead, got shot in the head
His body floats by me, and now he is dead
Their is no time to think, you must act on instinct
becuase the predator inside you, has just been released
so go spill the blood, and enjoy your feast
and remeber if not them, then you it would be
I was shooting a man, and then goes BAM!
I stepped on a Mine, under the sand
It blew off my legs and my right hand
If I ive through today, well that would be grand
But I am not that lucky, so goodnight from the sand
Nick this is really good. your very creative.
Excellent poem. Descriptive, creative, and well written. The ending is particularly effective.
35/35 points for this one.
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