Thursday, September 27, 2007

jesus loves the Catholics

When we came into the building I wasn't that impressed. It seemed to me like any other church I have ever been in, but when we went entered the sanctuary, I was very impressed. We entered into the sanctuary and there were beautiful stained glass windows everywhere; that's what got me. The Christian symbol seems kind of cruel to me knowing that your saved because a man being nailed to a cross like that. Overall, all of the buildings we went to were pretty to me. The Jewish building and the Catholic building more than the Islamic building though. I didn't learn anything new becuase my parents are Catholic so I pretty much knew everything but the holy water part. Like I said earlier the priest answered my question about the holy water, and I learned it becomes holy by him blessing it.


Courtney said...


i love your picture.
it looks like you learned alot from the field trip.

Victoria Slaboda said...

I had the same question abvout the Holy Water, you know, what makes it "holy"?

Anyways, I like this post and the picture as well.

carrie said...

Again- remove the part that could be considered inappropriate or unkind. Consider changing your title too.

carrie said...

Thanks for making changes Nick. Now this is a model post!

50/50 points