Tuesday, August 14, 2007

civilized or are we

I think being civilized is having your manners, how you run your government, and also how you treat your people. In other countries they have different opinions on it. Just like they have different opinions about religions, sports, how they dine, and what their heritage has taught them. I also think being uncivilized is being dirty, never brushing your teeth, sleep with the pigs, and just all together don't care about how you live, "you live just to live". I think animals are a good example of not being civilized.


carrie said...

Very thoughtful reflection! Great examples. I agree about the animals example. Graded as is you'd get a 17/20 because of a few grammar and spelling errors. If you want to make changes, feel free and let me know that I can grade it again.

Brandon Anderson said...

I think what you said about being civilized and uncivilized is a great opinion. you did an good job on your blog. Keep up the good work!