Tuesday, August 28, 2007

the bizzare world of chinese dragons

The Chinese look to the dragons as protectors and controllers of the habitat . They had different dragons for different purposes in life. If a mortal upset a dragon, then it would be one of the worst floods known to man, and volcanoes would erupt when the fucanglong dragon reported to heaven.

I personally find this very interesting that the Chinese put their beliefs in a mythical creature. I don't think I would have fallen for all of that crap, but every one's entitled to their opinion. I thought it was really cool how there were so many different kinds of dragons, and they all had there own purpose in life.

This tells me they believed strongly in what their religion told them, and they feared dragons for good reason. Maybe the whole dragon theory kept them in line to not mess up or slack off because they feared the dragon so strongly

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

civilized or are we

I think being civilized is having your manners, how you run your government, and also how you treat your people. In other countries they have different opinions on it. Just like they have different opinions about religions, sports, how they dine, and what their heritage has taught them. I also think being uncivilized is being dirty, never brushing your teeth, sleep with the pigs, and just all together don't care about how you live, "you live just to live". I think animals are a good example of not being civilized.